What is it?

There are more than 150 subtypes of HPV which are associated with various clinical conditions. The most common subtypes of genital warts are types 6 and 11.

Most types of HPV cause a benign condition but some may have a strong association with anogenital dysplasia and carcinoma such as types 16 and 18.

Refer to Anogenital warts & HPV treatment guidelines for detailed clinical presentation, diagnosis and management.

Clinical presentation

Anal warts are very common and large warts have a papilliform appearance. 

Warts are commonly external but may be present in the anal canal. 

Symptoms vary depending on the size and location of warts. For example, large warts may cause pain and bleeding with sex. Small warts are commonly unrecognised by the patient, especially around the anal area.

Perianal warts 1
Perianal warts 2
Perianal warts 3
Perianal warts 4
Perianal warts 5
Perianal warts 6
Perianal warts 7
1/7Widespread warts in a man with HIV


May contain graphic images of human anatomy, medical conditions and medical procedures. Viewing discretion is advised.

Perianal warts